Thoughts locked down

2 min readMay 6, 2021
Photo by Hannah Gullixson on Unsplash

Yes, this was unexpected. The LOCKDOWN. We bore it last year; we have to bear it this year too! I can’t keep myself in others’ shoes, so here’s me and my mind.

Loss? If you have a job at hand, you might not feel the financial loss, but numerous people are unemployed, many are starving on the roads, many are lying on the hospital beds. Salaries are deducted, but the expenses are intact. No free electricity is offered, neither to you nor to me. Yes, there is a financial loss. Anxiety, pressure, and trembled thoughts rule my mind.

My people who are reading this cheers to all the times that we met. We met but never realized that we were actually making memories to cherish during these times. We have lost touch, the touch of love and care and whatnot! Those priceless moments wave through the mind as if even they want to come back to us. Those who have been hit hard by this pandemic have lost a family member, maybe a soulmate, a brother, a sister, a father, or even a mother; they have lost their TOUCH OF LOVE. Back in the head, I feel broken about these losses.

Are you happy enough to survive what you had last year? Frankly, I am not. I cannot be happy locked down in four walls. As a writer, I need an open space to introspect, enhance my creativity, and improvise as a person.

The only thing I want to end up with is I have to take. I have to. I have to stand strong. I have to.

